Blog Archive
faraday requests instrumentation
a simple web proxy using WEBrick
building a vagrant ready docker image
reading from named pipes in xmobar
using git rebase to remove duplicate cherry-picked commits
preview sphinx documentation
installing Arch Linux ARM in Raspberry Pi
adjusting HDD spindown with systemd service files
migrate disqus comments for jekyll's pretty urls
view your public IP from pentadactyl/vimperator
sorting null values last in CakePHP
generate jekyll front-matter with bash
weechat horizontal buffers bar
datetime to timestamp in python
Archlinux presentation @ Openfest 2011
alsa volume indicator with notifications
xorg - proper greek keyboard layout
weechat howto
Enable Ctrl-Alt-Backspace in Xorg
running eagle on arch linux using libjpeg6
set max resolution of guest os in virtualbox
change mysql root password
set mysql encoding to utf8