alsa volume indicator with notifications
I recently found a thread in ubuntu forums that explained how to get a gnome-like volume indicator in Xfce.
xorg - proper greek keyboard layout
I was getting recently a lot random crashes with xfce4-xkb-plugin. Also when I opened the plugin properties the greek layout variant text was all scrambled and ineligible. Having searched through the internet and bug trackers I couldn’t find something similar so I started suspecting that my setup was broken. A look in /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/xorg.lst showed me that the greek layout was ‘gr’ and not ‘el’ as I had specified it.
weechat howto
Weechat (We Enhanced Environment for Chat) is a lightweight, extensible, console based irc client. It is written in C and licensed under GNU GPL3.
Enable Ctrl-Alt-Backspace in Xorg
Option "XkbOptions" "terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp"
to your Keyboard InputClass to enable Ctrl+Alt+Backspace to kill your x server
running eagle on arch linux using libjpeg6
Eagle 5.6 depends on libjpeg6 to run. I case you have upgraded to libjpeg7 there are a few tricks to help you run eagle.