• preview sphinx documentation

    I recently released a very small utility called sphinx-serve which helps me preview sphinx documentation locally. It spawns a simple http server on the documentation folder (html or singlehtml).

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  • installing Arch Linux ARM in Raspberry Pi

    This tutorial guides you through the process of installing the ARM flavour of Arch Linux in a RaspberryPi. This is a headless installation procedure, no monitor/tv or keyboard are required.

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  • adjusting HDD spindown with systemd service files

    The preferred way to run on-shot commands after boot when using Archlinux + initscripts, is placing them in the rc.local file. Also, initscripts provide a handy helper which creates a service file that runs these commands on boot when using systemd. If you want to completely move away from initscripts, to a pure systemd-based system, you need to create service file(s) for these commands.

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  • migrate disqus comments for jekyll's pretty urls

    I recently enabled the pretty-url feature in Jekyll, which removes the redundant .html suffix in URLs. You can enable it by adding permalink: pretty in your _config.yml. This of course broke Disqus comments on all existing pages.

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  • view your public IP from pentadactyl/vimperator

    Pentadactyl and vimperator extensions allow you to write handy functions in javascript. These functions can be later called from the command mode or from keybindings.

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